
My name is Mimi Lan.

I studied bioengineering at Berkeley. I’ve always let myself pursue what I like and that has made all the difference. I avoid letting things like "should" or "ought" get in the way of enjoyment, curiosity, and growth. My path has not been typical, but it was never forced. I’ve organically moved from one opportunity to the next, feeling grateful to all those who have helped me or given me chances along the way.

Live from the stage/my workspace

My name is Mimi Lan.

I studied bioengineering at Berkeley. I’ve always let myself pursue what I like and that has made all the difference. I avoid letting things like "should" or "ought" get in the way of enjoyment, curiosity, and growth. My path has not been typical, but it was never forced. I’ve organically moved from one opportunity to the next, feeling grateful to all those who have helped me or given me chances along the way.

CV available upon request.